Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Opinion on the Hetalia Dub!! Season 01

Konnichiwa minna-san! Hello everyone!

It's been quite awhile since I've posted, and I apologise for that.(I have no excuse, since I get on my computer alot lately....)

Anyway, a few weeks ago I got my Hetalia: Axis Powers box set! I couldn't wait to start watching and rewatching it! Which, I've done a few(okay more than just a few...) times. So now that I've watched the episodes several times, I want to post my opinions on the dubbed voices and mention some of my favorite scenes and lines.

Now FUNImation decided to use accents for the characters. I think that was a good move on their part. It really makes it feel like the characters are from the nations they're representing. I believe that it makes it way more fun that way. That and I LOVE a British accent, which only makes my love for Britian/Arthur Kirkland bigger! Yes, the correct name is Britian and that's the way it is in the dub. I know it's subbed as England, but the Japanese word Igirisu means Great Britian or The United Kingdom. FUNImation was asked by Studio Deen to use Britian, plus it's hard enough for the voice actors to fit the lines in the mouth flaps, without having to put United Kingdom in there. There wouldn't be much room for the rest of the line. So Arthur is Britian. Not England, Britian.

Some of the characters I love more than I did in the Japanese and some I actually like now. The characters that I like now because of they're dubbed voices are:

  • Canada~ I didn't really care for the way the Japanese Seiyuu did his voice. It bugged me
  • Poland~ Is unbelievably annoying in the Japanese! Though he only has one line in season one and I can't understand half of what he says because of the accent; I definitely prefer the dubbed over the Japanese.
  • Sealand
That's how good of a job FUNImation did. Here's what I thought of each character's dubbed voice. So since the series is called Hetalia: Axis Powers, I'll start with them.

Italy: Voiced by Todd Haberkorn. What can I say? Todd did an amazing job. Italy's still just as adorable as he was in the Japanese. I love both of Italy's voices. Todd's Italian accent was convincing.

Germany: Voiced by Patrick Seitz. Germany is one of the characters I like more in the dub than I did in the Japanese. Though, I'm not a fan of Germany. The accent was done well and he sounds just as strict as he did in the Japanese.

Japan: Voiced by Christopher Bevins. Where do I begin.....His Japan was fantastic! It was one of the voices that I loved instantly! Christopher is very good at "Engrish". I found Japan way more adorable and funny in the dub, so I applaud you Christopher Bevins!

Now on to the Allied Forces! Starting with our hero America, of course:

America: Voiced by Eric Vale. First, I want to point out that there was no accent for America and that he was the only one. America is my 2nd favorite character in the series, so his voice was very important to me. I liked the fact that America's voice wasn't as high-pitched as it was in the Japanese. I honestly believe they could not have picked a better voice actor. The man is like a living-breathing America! Eric did an amazing, heroic, job! Eric Vale, if you happen to read my blog, I want you to know that you truly are king and I thank you for doing such an amazing job on him!

Canada: Voiced by Eric Vale as well. So like in the Japanese the voice actor that played America, does Canada as well. I think that Eric did a very good job with him. Like I said, Canada's is one of the characters that I like now, due to his dubbed voice. His voice has the quiet gentle feel that it had before. Though, in my opinion, not as annoying. Nothing against his Seiyuu, I just don't really like the sound of it. Canada is much more adorable to me in the dub, so thank you Eric Vale for how you voiced Canada, I love it! I must applaud him as well for doing an amazing job on not one, but two characters!

Britain: Voiced by Scott Freeman. Oh, that lovely British accent of his.....Anyway, Britain was another character whose voice I loved as soon as I heard it. Scott pulls off Britain very well. The accent was amazing(haha...I know I've said that a couple of times already, but it's true.) Oh, and his laugh! Britain's laugh is cute and sometimes, like in the episode where France tries to get Britain to marry him, it sounds very pirate-like. Which is totally okay, because Britain is one of the pirate nations/characters.

France: Voiced by J. Michael Tatum. I love the accent, but I must admit that France is one of the characters that I don't really like as much in the dub. I still think they picked a good voice actor and all, but his voice kinda lost that suave feel he had in the Japanese. Still, J. Michael Tatum does a very good job on France, especially with that French laugh of his.

China: Voiced by Clarine Harp. His voice, like the Japanese was voiced by a female voice actor. When I first heard his voice I was disappointed. I had to watch the anime a few times though to finally get used to it, but like France, I don't like China as much as I did in the Japanese. He's just not as cute. Also, you'll note that when China speaks he doesn't say "...aru". Why? Because that is Japan's stereotype for how Chinese people speak. Instead they used our (and by our, I mean American) stereotype for the way they speak. So in all, I don't find China as cute in the dub, because there's no "...aru" and I don't really like the accent. Though, I'll admit that I can NOT do a Chinese accent. Please don't ask me to.

Russia: Voiced by Jerry Jewell. WOW....I thought Russia was creepy sounding before...Russia's voice also doesn't have the "cute" factor in the dub. Which is fine with me, I never really liked it. So, I prefer the dub to Japanese in his case.

Now for the other characters:

Romano: Voiced by Ian Sinclair. I really like Romano's voice. He sounds cute and "tough" at the same time. Which is perfect for Romano

Prussia: Voiced by Jonathan Brooks. I word. AWESOME!!

Austria: Voiced by Chuck Huber. One of the voices I don't really like. I'm not sure what it is about it, but I don't really care for it. So for Austria, Japanese voice wins.

Hungary: Voiced by Luci Christian. Her dubbed voice is adorable! I love it very much and I find her accent very cute.

Spain: Voiced by Dave Trosko. Spain is one of the characters that I love more because of his dubbed voice! I've seen more people who love his dub than people who hate it.

Switzerland: Voiced by John Burgmeier. Not sure what to say about him other than I like his dub voice

Liechtenstein: Voiced by Cherami Leigh. Adorable! Absolutely Adorable! That's all I can say.

Lithuania: Voiced by Josh Grelle. I really like his voice and the accent!

Sealand: Voiced by Maxey Whitehead. Again...Adorable! Absolutely Adorable!

Best Lines and Scenes:

Some of the lines and scenes that I love best.

Germany: "Look how the door just opened! You could totally run away if you wanted..." (Said to Italy) You have to hear it....It's the accent that makes this line hilarious!

Italy: "Hasta la Pasta!" (In a preview for the next episode)
"I'll tell you everything I know, which is pretty much everything I know..." (Said to the Allies while in captivity, about to confess what he knows about Germany) Basically what Italy is saying is that he doesn't know anything...

Chibitalia: "That's happy!" (To Holy Roman Empire) Just flat out adorable!

Japan: "Please stop touching me...." (Said to Italy, who is repeatedly patting him on the shoulder)

America: All of his lines are GREAT!! But, I'll post his first line that he says in the anime.
"Dude! I even smell like a hero! Check it!"

China: "See, China take all. Simple enough, you can all go home now." (To other Allies about dividing up the land)

There are many other lines that I adore as well....but I don't want to tell you everything that happens. You should go watch it yourself to hear the other great lines


When Romano first shows up.

The Allies meeting.

France and Britain's "marriage" scene

Sealand's first appearance.

So that about sums it up for my opinion on Season 1 of the Hetalia dub. When I get the Season 2, I'll post my favorite lines, scenes, and opinions on the new characters

Thanks for reading! Next post will be on Fanfictions!